May 23, 2024 during the 9th Annual Punk Rock Hoedown presented by and supporting Punk Rock Saves Lives here at Hogs & Heifers Saloon, we got to experience for the first time 1876 live. Prior to them taking the stage that night, our own Director of Marketing, Candice, had a chance to hang out and chat with the band for a Hogs Alley Chat.

1876 was formed in early 2020 and immediately debuted the EP “Pow Wow Punk Rock.”With notable sounds that any pow wow goer will recognize, combined with the aggressive guitar playing, catchy melodies, and political lyrics of the punk world, 1876 expresses their unique perspective as “the city and your aunty warned you about.”1876 proudly represents both the Northern Cheyenne and the Blackfeet nations, singing in both languages. From sweat lodges to punk clubs, 1876 helps shed light on a narrative often neglected by the music industry.1876 was born in 2020 out of a dream of cultural and language resurgence being seen and produced by those who experience the hardships.

Thank You to the sponsor of our 2024 Punk Rock Hoedown Hogs Alley Chats sponsors, Monster Tour Water and Monster Nasty Beast.