Big Rich | Hogs Family


UPDATE 3/12/2020: Rich got his results back from the extra fluid they extracted from his leg to see if it was what was causing the infection and I have great news, it was not. Last night Rich transferred from the hospital to a rehabilitation center to start his rehabilitation. He is in a MUCH better place than he was last time when UMC transferred him too early. The chest tube is out and his infection is currently under control with antibiotics. They will be keeping a close eye on it of course. Today starts the day of intensive rehab to get him moving again since he has been in a hospital bed for the last month. Gonna be slow goin at first but I am sure he will be roaming the halls in no time.

UPDATE 3/10/2020: They removed the tub from Rich’s chest cavity yesterday and we are just waiting for the results of the sample of the fluid they extracted from the infection in his leg. Once we get the results back hopefully they can give the proper antibiotics to treat that particular infection. He is getting antsy and wants to start moving but has realized he needs to build up his upper arm strength since he is so weak from being in bed for a month. Now that the tub is removed hopefully it will be easier for him. Please continue to share his GoFundMe and keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

UPDATE 3/5/2020: Rich was downgraded from ICU to a regular room yesterday. He still has the tube in his side and that will remain for a couple more days until they are positive the infection in his lungs and amputation are gone. He has been sitting up on the side of the bed and tried to put weight on his leg by standing next to his bed but was really painful for him. He had a fractured pelvis so that is still healing as well so he is really sore and I am sure you can imagine. He is in his own room now and has his cell phone now finally so feel free to call or message him. We are moving in the right direction and his spirits are high.
Rich has mentioned that the day of this accident is his new birthday and I couldn’t agree more. It is IMMPARITIVE that we all get behind him and help him loose weight so that he can get in a prosthetic sooner rather than later. So, even if he asks, begs, pleads for something unhealthy (fast food, sodas, etc.) – PLEASE do not support him in that choice. He needs to be surrounded by people who love him and will encourage him to make better choices. With the love and support I know we will all give him, he will be back to his normal shenanigans in no time!

UPDATE 3/3/2020: Rich is doing great. He is sitting up on the side of his bed and eating well. His spirits are high and he is using his CPAP machine less and less every day. He still has the tube in his right side into his chest cavity so he will remain in ICU until they remove it. They are taking their time and not rushing him. Keep those positive vibes and prayers coming, they are working XOXO!

UPDATE 3/1/2020: They removed the tube down Rich’s throat this morning. He is sitting up and talking. He was able to eat his lunch and his dinner. After today a total of 3 Liters of fluid have been removed from his chest cavity. He still has the tube in his side that will remain for a few more days. I shaved his beard for him today. And I washed his hair. He feels and looks like a new man.

An infection in his amputation along with pneumonia is what caused the 3 Liters of fluid in his chest cavity. He is on a heavy dose of antibiotics for the infection in his amputation. He will have a CAT scan tomorrow on his amputation to see if there is any remaining fluid that could possibly be causing this infection. let’s pray that the infection goes away and Rich can start some physical therapy soon.

UPDATE 2/29: Rich is out of surgery. They removed 2.6 liters of fluid from his chest. LITERS!! He is currently intubated and will remain most likely that way the rest of the day. They have 1 chest tube inserted in his right side to drain more fluid. He already had 200 more ml in his container next to his bed when they allowed me back to be with him. He is heavily sedated but knows I am here. Let’s pray this is the last time he has to go through this.

UPDATE 2/28/2020 #2: Went by on my lunch to see him and he is breathing better than he was last night, that’s for sure. He is scheduled first thing in the morning for surgery to insert the chest tube in his right side to drain the remaining fluid in his chest and unfortunately he will be intubated again for this. I will be going back tonight after 8pm to spend more time with him before he goes in in the morning. Please keep him in your thoughts tomorrow morning for a successful procedure and continue to send positive vibes his way. Hugs and kisses to all of you xoxo!!

UPDATE 2/28/2020: Rich was unable to have the procedure yesterday due to his vitals but they had to get some of that fluid out. They took out 200 ml of fluid from his chest cavity by way of needle instead. He is scheduled for a CAT scan this morning. He is currently in the ICU and that is where he will remain with 24/7 care until he pulls through this. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. Keep em coming!!

UPDATE 2/27/2020: I come to you this morning with not so great news, Richard went from his rehab facility to a center to have that procedure I was telling you about yesterday to get the tube put back in his right side chest cavity to drain the fluid in his chest. Well upon arrival Richards vitals crashed hard, they had to immediately transport him to the Hospital. Richard was not able to have the procedure yesterday and is now back in the hospital. He will NOT be returning to the rehab center for I was instructed to pick up all his personal belongings yesterday which I did.

I think the stress from the transport and the stress from prepping him for his procedure was too much for Rich to handle. He simply ran out of gas. When I got to the hospital he was awake, alert and scared. They had him back on the breathing machine and that is where he was going to remain for the evening so he could build up enough strength and get his vitals right for the procedure today in the hospital.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers and I will let you know as soon as he is done having this procedure today. If his vitals don’t settle they will have to intubate him again.

UPDATE 2/26: Richard will be having a procedure today to insert a tube in his right side to drain fluid in his chest cavity. He is still having a hard time breathing and he has a lot of fluid in his lungs and chest that needs to come out. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers today and everyday.

UPDATE 2/24/2020: Rich is all settled into his new rehab residency and is slowly adjusting. His breathing is still quite labored and they are monitoring that very closely. They can not start his physical therapy until he can breathe on his own without assistance. I think he is really starting to realize what has happened and how his life has changed. He has good days and bad days but more good days than bad. Please continue to pray for his recovery and please continue to share his GoFundMe

UPDATE 2/19/2020: Rich was transported last night out of the Trauma Unit and into a rehabilitation center. Last night and this morning was pretty ruff for him and his respiratory system. He still has a lot of fluid in his lungs from the accident which is making it very hard for him to breathe. He has a respiratory specialist that is working directly with him. He definitely took a few steps back unfortunately. He is not out of the woods yet and still needs all your thoughts and prayers. He is still fighting for his life. Thank you to all whom have donated and please continue to share his GoFundMe. Thank you!!

UPDATE 2/17/2020: Rich has had a great Valentine’s weekend, I brought him a special nurse friend of mine that I just knew would make him feel better (see pics attached). They have removed the tube from his side that was in his chest cavity so his ribs can start to heal. They had him sitting in a special chair 3 times a day for a few hours. He is breathing ok but gets winded fast since it hurts his ribs a bit when he speaks and his lungs are still trying to heal as well. They are slowing lowering his pain meds and will hopefully be moving out of Trauma this week. They are just waiting for a room to open up. Once they move him out of Trauma I will let you all know. Thank you all for your kind donations and thank you for sharing his GoFundMe. Let’s keep it going and keep that total climbing!!

Hey everyone! This post is right from Rich’s mouth himself. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

UPDATE 2/16/2020: Words from Rich. “Hey folks I’m alive and recovering. Only allowing a few ppl at this time to come see me. Don’t be butt hurt if your not on the list. There will be time when I’m ready to come down to the bar and hang out with everyone. Might be a month might be more. I will let y’all know. I might be shorter on one side not sure by how much. If anyone has any information of the location of my vest let thank you. — feeling positive”.

UPDATE 2/13/2020: Rich had his tube removed from down his throat yesterday and is breathing on his own. He was under strict orders from the Doctors NOT to talk yesterday so visitors were forbidden even Mom and I. Mom and I will hopefully get to see him today. Let’s pray that he does not have to be intubated again and that we can start healing from here. Thank you again for all your prayers and well wishes! Don’t forget to share his GoFundMe if you haven’t already!!

UPDATE 2/11/2020: The skin around Rich’s leg was not healing and started to die, so unfortunately they had to rush him into surgery today and take his knee. This procedure is extremely painful and he is out of surgery and recovering but will be severely medicated for the next couple of days. No visitors, not even Mom and I. Hopefully they will allow us to see him tomorrow afternoon depending on how he does over night.

Please continue to pray for him and his healing. This is really sad news that they were not able to save his knee but with all of your love and support Rich will come back from this.

UPDATE 2/07/2020: Unfortunately last evening they had to intubate him again, which means they had to put the breathing tube back down his throat. He was not a happy camper as I am sure you can imagine. They are running cameras down there to see if they can’t figure out what is going on in his lungs. Because of this, they are going to have to keep him heavily sedated for the next couple of days. Something about the CO2 buildup in his blood. They are not sure where that CO2 is coming from. Please keep praying and send your well wishes for him. He needs them.

UPDATE 2/05/2020: Rich did so well last night, so just now they took his breathing tube out and he is breathing on his own!! He has only said a few words to the Dr’s and respiratory therapist as needed. No real talking yet. He has to remain calm and keep his breathing minimal and not stressed to be able to keep the tube out. Still a very long road of recovery but he is going in the right direction and is such a fighter. I will continue to keep you posted and let you know when he will be allowed visitors. Most likely not until the weekend or after. Once his Mom and Dr’s feel its appropriate I will let you know where he is and how to go about visiting as well as providing the address should you want to send cards or flowers. Again, Rich loves all of you and thanks you for all the prayers and well wishes. XOXO

From Michelle Dell,

As many of you know, Rich Wilson, member of our Hogs family and security team, was severely injured in an accident on his motorcycle last Saturday. Rich’s injuries are serious but he is doing well, and we think everyone would agree that he has both the true grit and full love in his heart to pull through and recover and get back to living and loving his life.

The outpouring of concern and offers to help and questions of how others can help, has been an enormous and beautiful testament to the man that Rich is and will continue to go on being.

Rich’s immediate support team of family and close friends, are doing their best to keep so many people updated while they are in the throws of his hospitalization and all of the endless immediates and roller coaster of emotional intensity and sheer exhaustion that come with such critical emergencies as these.

We are now able to point people in the right direction for accurate information about Rich and ways to help him and his family going forward. We hope many of you will join us in expressing to Rich how much we love and care about him and that we are here to help and rally behind him in as many ways as we can.

A medical go fund me page has been set up for Rich. You will be able to stay updated on his progress there and can send messages of love and support there as well. CLICK ME or below to donate to this page.

In the immediate, Rich has a solid core support group and so for the moment it is financial assistance Rich and his family need most. Not everyone is able to assist in making a donation, so just know that you can also go the page just to send a loving message and that is equally appreciated. Rich will need help and support in a variety of ways in the coming future and there will likely be ways many can help in these areas. We will be sure to let you know as soon as we find out.

We love Big Rich and we are happy that he has so many amazing people in his life who love him too!


Again, there are multiple ways to show your support for Rich. Any love social media is always appreciated! A Medical Go Fund Me page has been set up by a close friend of Rich’s. CLICK HERE to support and visit this page. We’re also selling shirts designed and printed by the crew at Livin’ Dirty. 100% of the proceeds from these shirt sales will benefit Big Rich’s medical expenses. CLICK HERE to check out those out.


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